
ナマステ福岡2017 企画背景

ナマステ福岡 2017  [ 企画背景 ]

近年、福岡には、インドからの留学生、インドに関するNGO、レストラン、企業が増えています。 また、日本からインドに投資する企業も増えており、二国間の経済交流は今後も発展していくと考えられます。
同時に、インドはビジネスのみならず、多くの魅力を持つ国です。 広大な国土に、多様な文化や言語、長い歴史や美しい自然といった様々な側面を持っています。


2016年4月に第1回を開催しましたが、インドの大きなイベントが九州地域で開催されるのは初めてのことでした。 アジア地域のゲートウェイとして経済や文化の交流を支える福岡市で開催をすることは、九州および近県にとっても大きな意味がありました。

なお、第一回開催の前夜には、熊本と大分で大きな地震が発生しました。 多くの日本人の方々が苦しい状況にあり、インド人達も動揺しておりました。
そのような中でイベントを決行することの是非については、充分な協議が必要でした。 最終的には、精一杯のおもてなしをすることで来場者に力と明るさを提供することが、いま我々が出来ることであると判断し、決行をいたしました。
そのことに関して多くの日本人の方々から、温かいご支援とご声援を頂いたことを心から感謝しております。 その後は出来る恩返しをと考え、インド人有志が熊本でカレーの炊き出しを行う等、ボランティア活動を続けております。



ナマステ福岡2017 実行委員会


NAMASTE FUKUOKA 2017 [ Background of planning the event ]

Lately in Fukuoka, number of Indian related people is increasing; overseas students from India, NGO related to India, Indian restaurants and enterprises related to India.
And economical exchange between India and Japan must be developed from now as well since there are more enterprises that invest to India from Japan.
At the same time, India is not only suitable for business but also has many attractive aspects: huge continent, various cultures, many languages, long history, and beautiful nature.
However it's hard to say ordinary people have enough knowledge about India and we must admit it remains typical image such as IT, Curry,  Bollywood.
In this regards, we launch this event to develop interexchange between both countries, in order to make more people understand, get more interested in and feel more close to India.

The executive committee is consisted of Indian oversea students, Indian member of society who live in Fukuoka city and the suburb, and Japanese in corporate with those Indians.
For visitors, it's a good opportunity to interact with people from India. Meanwhile for Indians, it's a great chance to introduce their various cultures to visitors.

About first Namaste Fukuoka 2016, it was the first time to hold a big Indian event in Kyushu area.
For Kyushu and nearby areas, it was so meaningful to hold it at Fukuoka city that supports economical and cultural exchange as gateway in Asian district.
Total number of event visitors including Japanese and foreigners was over 4000.
We are proud of making them feel enjoyed the event as much as possible.

At previous night of the event, we experienced a massive earthquake in Kumamoto and Oita.
Many Japanese were in hard condition, Indians were very shocked at it as well.
Under the situation, we need enough discussions about pros and cons of go on the event.
Finally we came to conclusion to go on the event, judged it's the best way we can do now, to give visitors brightness and power by entertaining them at the venue as much as possible. Upon that conclusion, we appreciate warmest supports and cheers from many Japanese from bottom of our heart.
After the event, in return for those kindnesses, we have been continuing volunteer activities such as curry soup-run by Indian volunteers at disaster area in Kumamoto, and so on.
Through these things, not only the event, it is valuable experience to rethink importance of working together with Japanese and Indians but also became a big motivation to hold the second time.

Then upon planning 2nd time, we set two days for the event and hope we are able to play more meaningful role at interexchange spot, Fukuoka in Asia and Japan.
Last but certainly not least, we, Namaste Fukuoka executive committee would like to hold the event for second time as much better one to make people know more about real India as well as being a friendship bridge and a great contributor to more development between Japan and India.

Thank you very much in advance for your great cooperation.
Kind regards.

Namaste Fukuoka 2017 executive committee